1. Write a brief description in English of the information
depicted in the following class diagram.
2. Draw class diagrams to link the following classes using
aggregation, generalisation and multiplicity where appropriate.
a. Zoo, Animal, Bird,
Mammal, Reptile, Cage, Keeper
b. Estate, Building, House,
Shop Unit, Room, Window, Door, Wall, Floor, Ceiling.
3. In the figure below state which of the object diagrams are
valid instances of the given class diagram. In all cases explain your answer.
4. Based on the description of the Start Line Run use case that you developed in practical 2 and the
draft class diagram shown below do the following:
a. Prepare and complete CRC cards for the following
classes: Supervisor, Product, ProductionLine, ProductionLineRun and Operative.
b. Develop, using Together Control Center, a collaboration
diagram that documents the interaction.